Daily Blog #251: Saturday Reading 3/1/14

Hello Reader,
       It's Saturday and RSA is over! I hope you had a great week as I certainly did. It's time for more links to make you think on this week's Saturday Reading.

1.This weeks Forensic Lunch was great and really focused on IR and static malware analysis. If you are interested in either of those topics, boy do we have a great show for you. This week we had:

Jack Crook, @jackcr, talking about his work in IR, how he got started, his forensic challenges and his work in building local DFIR community. You can read his blog here, http://blog.handlerdiaries.com/, and learn more about his DFIR community building efforts in Virginia.

Marc Ochsenmeier, @ochsenmeier, giving us the history of his tool PeStudio and an overview of how it works as well as the future of the tool.  His website is http://winitor.com/ where you can download PeStudio for yourself as its free for non-commercial use!

You can watch it here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U_jxxrc79H0

2. I'm not quite sure what to think about this, but this blog entry on the Forensic Video and Image Analysis blog is writeup of a decision out of the Supreme Court of Canada that expert witnesses cannot give opinions based on their experience alone, without direct evidence in the current case to back it up. Read about it here: http://forensicphotoshop.blogspot.com/2014/02/supreme-court-of-canada-halts-use-of.html

3. Brett Shavers blog has a post up this week about an upcoming Xways users conference in Australia, http://xwaysforensics.wordpress.com/2014/02/27/a-gathering-of-the-x-ways-users-in-australia/. That sounds like an awfully good excuse to go to Australia!

4. Get ready IR fellows, Eric Holder is calling for a federal data breach reporting law! http://ridethelightning.senseient.com/2014/02/attorney-general-holder-calls-for-federal-data-breach-notification-law.html Over on the ride the lighting blog Sharon Nelson has a good summary of what is transpiring.

5. If you liked Matt Bromiley and Robert Wallace's presentation on the Forensic Lunch a couple weeks ago you will really like this blog post, http://www.505forensics.com/rapid-log-analysis/ ,where he describes how to use logstash for log analysis with elastic search and kibana.This is some seriously great tools for getting through tons of logs without dishing out some serious money.

6. Corey Harrell has a new blog up this week exploring Windows Error Reporting, very cool stuff here that can reveal even more signs of past program execution. http://journeyintoir.blogspot.com/2014/02/exploring-windows-error-reporting.html

That's all for this week. Did I miss something? I really try to read everything I can find, link your blog or article in the comments below or email me dcowen@g-cpartners.com.

Also Read: Daily Blog #250

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