Hello Reader,
I love it when we get new people in the field participate in Sunday Fundays. Not only do we get new people interested in research, validation and testing (which we so badly need) but we get to bring new voices into the conversation. This week I’m happy to announce Chris Eng as our winner with his very first submission!
The Challenge:
With so many of us relying on SRUM for so many different uses its time to do some validation on the counters so many people cite. For this challenge you will test and validate the following SRUM collected metrics and document if they accurately capture the data or if there is a skew present.
Use cases to test and validate on Windows 11 or Windows 10 but you must document which:
1. Copying data between two drives using copy and paste (look for disk read and write activity )
2. Uploading data to an online service of your choice (look for process network traffic)
3. Wiping files (look for disk read and write activity)
The winning answer:
You can read Chris’s entry here:
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