Daily Blog #659: Sunday Funday 4/7/19 - Dropbox Audit Logs Challenge

Dropbox Audit Logs Challenge by David Cowen

Hello Reader,
           Sounds like Google Compute DFIR knowledge must be sparse based on the responses I've gotten .. namely none! So let's change platforms to see how well you know PaaS, Platform as a Service specifically Dropbox.

The Prize:

$100 Amazon Giftcard

The Rules:

  1. You must post your answer before Friday 4/12/19 7PM CST (GMT -5)
  2. The most complete answer wins
  3. You are allowed to edit your answer after posting
  4. If two answers are too similar for one to win, the one with the earlier posting time wins
  5. Be specific and be thoughtful
  6. Anonymous entries are allowed, please email them to dcowen@g-cpartners.com. Please state in your email if you would like to be anonymous or not if you win.
  7. In order for an anonymous winner to receive a prize they must give their name to me, but i will not release it in a blog post

The Challenge:
For Dropbox Audit logs what all data can you determine about someone who was logged in?
What allows you to unique identify a file?

Also Read: Daily Blog #658

1 comment :

  1. Daily Blog 659 Challenge Question Answer:
    For Dropbox Audit logs what all data can you determine about someone who was logged in?
    What allows you to unique identify a file?
    Dropbox Audit Logs or Activity Logs are a feature of the Dropbox business accounts. The Advanced Team accounts include file level Audit logs as a part of the paid service. These logs are accessible from the Account Console which available the account administrator or administrators. The console provides very detailed information about team member’s usage of the account and nearly all facets of the members’ interactions are recorded and can be reviewed. The following items can be viewed in the Console of an advanced account regarding FILES:
    Added a file
    Added a file to their Dropbox
    Added a file to their Dropbox (non-team member)
    Added a folder
    Allowed anyone to view links to files in a shared folder
    Allowed file request emails for the team
    Allowed non collaborators to view links to files in a shared folder
    Allowed only team members to view links to files in a shared folder
    Changed a file request
    Closed a file request
    Copied a file
    Copied a file to their Dropbox
    Copied a file to their Dropbox (non-team member)
    Copied a folder
    Created a link to a file using an app
    Created a new file request
    Deleted a file
    Deleted a file comment
    Deleted a folder
    Disabled file requests
    Downloaded a file (non-team member)
    Downloaded files
    Edited files
    Enabled file request emails for everyone
    Enabled file requests
    Failed to delete some files remotely
    File added to a showcase
    File downloaded (non-team member) from a showcase
    File downloaded (team member) from a showcase
    File in showcase viewed by non-team member
    File in showcase viewed by team member
    File removed from a showcase
    Liked a file comment
    Made a file viewable only to members of the file
    Made a file viewable only to team members with the link
    Made a file viewable to anyone with the link
    Moved a file
    Moved a folder
    Multiple files downloaded (non-team member) from a showcase
    Multiple files downloaded (team member) from a showcase
    Opened a file (non-team member)
    Prevented non-team members from viewing links to files in a shared folder
    Previewed files
    Received files via file request
    Received files via file request
    Renamed a file
    Renamed a folder
    Requested access to a file (non-team member)
    Resolved a file comment
    Restored a file
    Restored a folder
    Restored a resolved file comment
    Reverted files to a previous version
    Rolled back file changes
    Subscribed to file comment notifications
    Successfully deleted some files remotely
    Unliked a file comment
    Unsubscribed from file comment notifications

    Additionally, the audit logs maintain information about the users themselves. An administrator can see the following regarding member uses:
    The date and time of the event
    The member who initiated the event
    The details of the event
    The location in the form of an IP address of the team member
    The logs detail who are the active team members of the last 28 days, the number of shared folders over the last 28 days, how much storage space is used, the number of links created, and a log of what devices are accessing the account over the previous 28 days. From the console you can also monitor password changes, sign ins, connected apps, changes in sharing, changes in groups, and changes in membership.

    The files specific path and file name along with the connected user interactions would allow an administrator to identify a file in the log data.

    The information for this initial and feeble attempt at an answer was gathered from poking around the internet and reading Dropbox.com helps files, Dropboxforum posts and two blogs written by “Kevin” on metadatum.wordpress.com (who actual cites the author of this challenge in his 2013 post about Dropbox forensics.)
