Daily Blog #621: ADFS accounts in SAM hives

ADFS accounts in SAM hives explained by David Cowen - Hacking Exposed blog

Hello Reader,
            I wanted to make a quick post about ADFS (Active Directory Federated Services) and Azure AD. If the Windows system you are examining has a user that is authenticating against Azure AD in any configuration (cloud, hybrid, office 365) then you should be looking for an additional key value that has been around since the original 'Microsoft Account' in Windows 8.

They key value 'InternetUserName' will store the full account name with domain that the user authenticated with. A true local account will not have this value, only those accounts who are being authenticated against cloud hosted domains should contain it. In combination with a 0 logon count this can be used to determine not only that the user was not a local account but the full account name associated. 

Also Read: Daily Blog #620

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