Daily Blog #539: Forensic Lunch and CTF at Magnet User Summit 2019

Forensic Lunch and CTF at Magnet User Summit 2019 by David Cowen - Hacking Exposed Computer Forensics Blog

Hello Reader,
              Now that Magnet has announced that this years Magnet User Summit will be April 2-3, 2019 in Nashville, TN I can announce that we will be doing two things there.

First you can find out more about MUS here https://www.magnetusersummit.com/

1. Matt and I will be doing a live Forensic Lunch broadcast from the Magnet User Summit. If you come to the MUS you can either participate in the Audience or come on stage with us! This year we are going to try to bring back the DFIR games to get people to compete and show their DFIR knwoeldge!

2. Matt and I will be hosting another DFIR CTF! We created and hosted two DFIR CTF's last year (Magnet and Defcon) and are currently in planning mode for the MUS DFIR CTF 2019. There will be fun challenges, new evidence and prizes for those who win onsite!

I'll talk to Magnet to see if they want to open it up for online prizes as well.

I hope to see you out there! We can talk DFIR and eat some hot chicken!

Also Read: Daily Blog #538

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