Daily Blog #419: Unofficial Defcon DFIR CTF 2018

Unofficial Defcon DFIR CTF 2018 by David Cowen - Hacking Exposed Computer Forensics Blog

Hello Reader,
            Matt and I are working on creating the evidence you will be examining for next months Unofficial Defcon DFIR CTF! This post is here to let you know that:

1. We plan to do it again this year
2. We will be distributing the files electronically this year, no in person transfer needed
3. Signups will happen through CTFd I'll be posting the link closer to Defcon
4. If you or your company wants to supply a prize we open to working with you on that. Last year we did it in partnership with SANS who provided DFIR Netwars Continuous to the winners
5. This years scenario is set to be much more involved than last years, if everything we are planning works out
6. We are still planning on restricting this to people who are in Las Vegas for the event. Why? So we can get everyone who qualifies together at the end

We had a lot of fun last year and we look forward to meeting new talented examiners this year.

You can sign up here:


Matt and I will be doing a live stream during the event to provide some commentary on how it's going. This is something we wanted to do after the Magnet CTF and it should be fun.

Also Read: Daily Blog #418

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