Daily Blog #363: Saturday Reading 6/21/14

Saturday Reading by David Cowen - Hacking Exposed Computer Forensics Blog

Hello Reader,
         It's Saturday! I don't know about you but it's been a long week. While we both finishing tracking down those miscreants we've been hunting this week, here's some links to make you think while volatility runs in this weeks Saturday Reading!

1. We had a great forensic lunch this week.  We had (in order of appearance)

  • Blazer Catzen, of Catzen Forensics, talking all about File System Tunneling in an extensive piece of research that goes beyond the STDINFO and into the File Name attributes and Object IDs. Blazer has two presentations he has done on the subject so I hope to talk him into a guest blog about it, if he does not put up his own blog first.
  • Detective Cindy Murphy, with the Madison Wisconsin police talking all about Mobile Forensics and her journey in DFIR. 
For those who watched the link to the SANS Work Study program is here:

You can watch it here:  https://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&list=UUZ7mQV3j4GNX-LU1IKPVQZg&v=bI9T2-bnbM0

2. AppleExaminer has updated the OSX and IOS focus lists, cheat sheets of where to look for artifacts. Get it here: http://www.appleexaminer.com/files/b79f4470195d89b9d6a6ec0e4f8799fa-68.html

3. Craig Ball has a new post up and his perspective as a special master is always interesting. This week he is talking about an issue he is facing where he's trying to understand someones motive for inflating their fees http://ballinyourcourt.wordpress.com/2014/06/19/unconscionable/

4. Corey Harrell has posted up a review of Harlan's updated WFA http://journeyintoir.blogspot.com/2014/06/review-of-windows-forensic-analysis-4th.html

5. Matthew, my partner in lunch, posted a new entry to his new blog. Talking all about additional fields stored within the prefetch files revealing file record numbers and sequence numbers http://forensicmatt.blogspot.com/2014/06/possible-new-field-identified-in.html

That's all for this week!

Also Read: Daily Blog #362

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