Daily Blog #340: The leap from beta to final, Triforce updates

The leap from beta to final, Triforce updates

Hello Reader,
          If you are still running a Triforce beta, I would highly suggest you move over to the production version. We've fixed a lot of bugs and added lots of features. It's your choice free or paid, of course think the paid version is well worth the money! Curious as to what all is waiting for you? Here is an update:

You can grab a copy of the free or paid version at:

Report Filtering (Please read user manual for more information)

Exporting and importing filters

The leap from beta to final, Triforce updates

Unexpected crashes using filtering options
Added filtering logic

The leap from beta to final, Triforce updates

Additional Unicode Support

Filter with Unicode Strings

The leap from beta to final, Triforce updates

Export to Unicode File Name

The leap from beta to final, Triforce updates


Signature Corrections
User can create a file list to search the MFT (Paid Version Only)

The leap from beta to final, Triforce updates


Various GUI bugs
Report Record Count in Report View

The leap from beta to final, Triforce updates

Also to those users who've moved over the paid version we have our first signature update going out to you tonight!

Also Read: Daily Blog #339

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