Daily Blog #180: Forensic Lunch 12/20/13 - Discussion with Rob Lee, Mari DeGrazia, and Matthew

Forensic Lunch by David Cowen - Hacking Exposed Computer Forensics Blog

Hello Reader,
        It's Friday and then means we had another Forensic Lunch! This week we had:

Rob Lee, @robtlee http://computer-forensics.sans.org/, talking about the new SANS FOR 408 class and the interesting journey into Windows 8 forensics.This included some really interesting discussions into artifacts being created across synced devices!

Mari DeGrazia, @maridegrazia http://az4n6.blogspot.com/, talking about her research into Google analytics cookies. This included a demo of her tool and its output. It allows you to recover so much more information if your trying to discover not only if a website was visited but at what times and to what extent.

Matthew and I talked about detecting files being created from alternative NTFS drivers, such as ntfs-3g, using artifacts within the $MFT only!

Try to make time to tune in live every Friday at Noon CST so you can ask your questions!

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